About living soil organic cannabis

The Island Growers Collective uses both LSO and soil-less mediums for growing. All the cannabis we offer is organic. Learn more about LSO below and the other growing methods here.

What is LSO?

Living Soil Organics (LSO) is a growing method centered on the microbial life inside the soil which allows plants to stay healthy and reach their fullest potential. Through evolution over thousands of years, Mother Nature has developed a symbiotic relationship between the plants and the microbial life in the soil: fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and many other types. These microorganisms form a soil food web that help feed the plants, in exchange for carbons and sugars that the plant releases (extrudes) through their roots into the soil. So there is this symbiotic relationship in the soil that exists where both plant and microbes thrive  together.  It is this ecosystem in the soil that we call a Living Soil.

Why don’t all our growers grow with Living Soil?

Generally it comes down to how a grower learned to grow and what system works best for getting the results they want.  Farmers tend to stick with the method that they have a proven track record with.  Another big factor is economics. Farming any crop is risky business, especially growing cannabis. Lot’s of time and energy is invested and if anything goes wrong with a crop the farmer can be left with nothing to sell.  Growing organically with a soil-less medium can give the farmer more control over their crop and therefore more predictable and reliable results compared to LSO. 

Also switching to a completley new growing system like LSO can lead to failed crops at the beginning. Which is why a grower might decide to stick with their proven growing system. After all, many quad AAAA and great quality flowers are grown hydroponically or in soil-less mediums .  That being said we strongly believe in LSO as a growing method and the unique flower quality, terpene and medicinal value it  can produce.  We always encourage our growers to go the LSO route if they are confident they can pull it off.

Why choose Cannabis grown in organic living soil?

For one, LSO  harnesses the power of the microlife in the soil to let the plant feed itself what and when it needs it. We as growers just need to supply the right conditions to help the plant reach it’s fullest potential. Most impotently inhaling organic, living soil grown cannabis is smooth and tasty, the type of high is cleaner and you need less of it to achieve incredible healing and recreational experiences. In times when we find many harmful inhalable or ingestible products in the marketplace it is extremely important to know that our cannabis is clean!

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