Ice Cream is an Indica dominant marijuana strain with an Indica/ Sativa content of 60/40 percent. It has a smooth smoke that feels quite good inside. It has a lovely sweet aroma that is similar to that of sweet candy ice cream. Its taste is excellent and makes you feel as if you are eating a smooth and creamy ice cream. It produces a buzz that affects your head and body equally and is quite strong. Its THC level is expected to be moderate to high. The numbing sensation produced by the strain lasts for quite a while on your system. It is a good treatment for stress, anxiety, depression and loss of appetite. Some people experience dizziness, paranoia and anxiety after using it too.
Grower: Island Time Farm
Island Growers Collective is a collective of small-batch cannabis farmers located in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia.
Island Growers Collective is a collective of small-batch cannabis farmers located in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia.
Dried Cannabis flower is an agricultural product where conditions for production are constantly changing. Therefore there will always be some variation between harvests and batches. The bud you receive may not be exactly as illustrated. The displayed THC and CBD ranges are estimates. Check the “Batch Quality” for the quality rating of the current batch.
If you have any questions about our mail-order cannabis products, do not hesitate to send us a message through contact page.